At the age of three, my parents realized that I was going cross-eyed and in need of glasses. Everything that I looked at was doubled and blurry. But at my age its difficult at times to tell exactly what the problem was. To me I thought that was normal. The blurriness, two of everything, nothing in focus as it should be...I thought I was getting a long fine.
But I hadn't seen the world for what it truly was.
After my appointment with the optometrist, I received my first pair of glasses. Which have been the root of several jokes through out my lifetime, but all in good fun and I'll tell you why as a little comic relief. Fog Horn Leg Horn, the big chicken from the Warner Brother's cartoons... (see below)
Well, I looked like his son, Egghead Jr. Big rimmed glasses around huge lenses. I loved them and that's what I chose to wear. Looking back at them, I still think they were one of my favorite pair of glasses.
But after I got them fitted and they sat correctly on my face, my parents went to the store for something and this is how my Momma says it went, "She walked around picking things up and looking at everything like it was the first time she had ever seen it."
I had more vision problems than they first thought. But I could now see the world and all its things clear and crisp! Everything was in focus, nothing blurred or fogged, and only ONE of everything! Until my oily fingers touched the lenses, then I'd be running to Momma asking her to clean them for me so I could see clearly again.
Now walking through this world without Jesus as your Saviour, is like walking around cross-eyed, with blurry vision. You can't see things the way you were intended to see them. Your vision is fogged from sin and you think that's normal, how things are supposed to be. You bump aimlessly through life with no purpose and head down a path that leads straight to Hell.
Psalm 119:105 KJV
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
But with salvation, Jesus gives you "Holy Spirit glasses". Your world isn't fogged by sin anymore, you see life the way you should. Everything comes into focus and you can focus straight in on God and His word, getting all the sinful things out of your life. Him leading you on the correct path.
With God your pathway is clear and you can do mighty things for God with the 'vision' He has given you. Now just like normal glasses, we can smudge them. That's one of the best ways to upset a glasses wearer...smudges on your glasses are the worst! Being saved doesn't make us sinless, we can still mess up and dirty our lenses and 'blur our vision'. We need to be in God's word daily, pray daily so our 'glasses' stay clean and clear.
Proverbs 29:18 KJV
"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."
How's your vision? Is it smudged? Do you have things you need to get out of you life that is causing your 'glasses' to fog up?
Or is your 'glasses' clean? I pray its this one. But, speaking for myself, I have to have God clean my 'glasses' on a daily basis. I mess up and smudge them constantly, but God is gracious and merciful to clean my 'glasses' every time I run to Him and ask.
Keep your 'glasses' clean.