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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Meyer

I Couldn't...But I Knew God Could.

August 30th, 2010. Cuddled up with a play written by William Shakespeare, I was comfortable and in heaven. Soaking in every little detail of this tragedy unfolding before eyes. The drama, the romance, the craziness! Nothing could ruin my reading night.

So I thought...

Out of the corner of my eye I see a bright flash outside. "It's after dark, what in the world could that be? " As suddenly as that thought runs through my head, a scream comes loudly from the living room. Panicked, I drop the book and run to where it came from. The sight I see next instantly breaks my heart and fills with dread.

My younger brother, standing there screaming with both arms burned, and half his face looks like it has melted.

My parents, running and trying to do whatever they can to help him, quickly ushers him to the car to get him to a hospital. Where we lived at the time, there was no need to dial 911, driving yourself would get you there faster.

Dad gets my brother in the front seat and buckles him in. Mom and I rush into the back seat. I've never seen my Dad drive that fast in my life. Not knowing if my brother could still see anything was a concern for all of us, so the faster my Dad pushed our little car. As he's driving down the highway, on the wrong side of the orange traffic cones to get around a VERY slow semi truck, all I could remember was the smell...

Burnt skin and hair. My stomach was in knots. My mother sobbing next to me with a death grip on my hand. Dad driving down the wrong side of construction to get his son the help he needs. And then there's me... Crying in the back seat, staring up to dark, star filled sky... and trying to pray.

But at that time in my life, I didn't know God. I hadn't accepted Him as Saviour yet. But I tried prayed anyway. I prayed that He would help my little brother. To protect his eyes, to ease his pain. To help however God could. But my prayers flew right out my window with the smoky, burnt smell... They were useless and I knew that, and that's the real reason why I was crying so hard that night. I couldn't help at all... I knew God could, but I couldn't ask for the help my brother needed... That was one of the worst feelings of my life...


But I am so thankful that today my prayers aren't useless. They reach the throne room of Heaven! Not sink like a lead balloon.

"I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live." -Psalms 116:1‭-‬2 KJV

I can pray to the Almighty Living God Himself and He hears me! He inclines His ear unto me! Praise God!

When some tragic moment happens now, I can pray and I can trust and know that God hears me and will help me. I revisit that car ride with my brother often and I'm so thankful that I never have to feel that way again.

Despite my useless attempt at praying... God did save my brother's eye sight. And to this day, you can't tell that he was burned at all. Thank you, Lord, for showing him grace through that.

I love the Lord, because He hears my prayers. Each and every day, since April 26th, 2020. (Thank you, God, for saving my soul!) Whatever I bring to Him, He listens and He cares, and he answers. How crazy is that?? God answers my prayers! And for that, I will praise Him for eternity!


Are you saved? Are your prayers not being heard? They can be.

If you're not saved, please contact me and I'll be more than happy to introduce you to my Saviour. He wants to be yours too.

Want to meet Him?

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